Video Peeks: GDC-Everything You Need To Know About YouTubers But Were Afraid To Ask

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I watch and rewatch a lot of videos to learn and get tips for whatever I am working on. Sometimes it is hard to judge whether a video is relevant to my interests or not. This will solve that problem for me and hopefully it will help someone else too.

What This Video Is

This video is about how indie game developers should interact with YouTubers.
The presenter (Alex “BaerTaffy” Larrabee) is a YouTuber himself who gets emails and requests from indie developers to play their game for coverage so his presentation is from that perspective.

It's Content

In the beginning, while talking about how YouTubers can help you, a case is made about the coverage from YouTubers and streamers being more valuable than coverage from traditional game press.

For the rest of the presentation, he goes through:

  • What your initial interaction should look like and what to do in the case of not getting a response.
  • His personal prosses for choosing which games to cover.
  • He even gives useful resources you can use to help with creating press kits and choosing the right YouTubers to contact.

If you have done any research into the PR and marketing side of game development nothing he says is particularly new, however, everything he says is valuable so it doesn’t hurt to brush up on knowledge and hear everything again.

Is It For You?

If you are making a game and don’t plan on going to an indie publisher or indie friendly marketing company than this video is perfect.

Video Peeks: GDC-Everything You Need To Know About YouTubers But Were Afraid To Ask

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